
I sent my hair analysis off about 2 months ago.  I received my results pretty quickly, within a couple of weeks.  Kristen was really knowledgeable explaining my results in a way that I could understand.  I liked it that I was able to get the analysis done and receive my results from the comfort of my home.  At the time it was convenient for me, which is important with having a little baby at home. I have been following the program for about 2 months now, which includes taking the supplements based on my hair analysis results, as well as tweaking some things in my diet and lifestyle recommended by the program. 


Before starting the program, I was pretty health conscious anyways, so I was not sure if I would see much improvement, but I actually did pretty quickly.  It was a month into it, that I noticed I had more energy and my PMS had reduced drastically.  Overall, I feel better.  It has been 2 months now and my metabolism has sped up.  I have noticed that I don’t have the sugar and carb cravings that I used to have.  My motivation to try hair analysis was not to lose weight.  It had to do with energy, hormone balancing, and overall health.  In the past 2 months, I have easily lost the last stubborn 7 pounds that I gained during pregnancy with my beautiful daughter who is now 9 months.  That was a surprising, yet welcomed side effect, so absolutely I will be continuing with this program.  Overall, the process was simple, easy, and the results definitely exceeded my expectation. 



I have now been on the Increase Your Vitality program for about 6 years.  The change has been remarkable. I do not recognize the person I was when I first started. I used to suffer from depression, anxiety and OCD back then. I can honestly say depression and anxiety are gone and OCD is non-existent. No more poor digestion, constipation, feeling cold all the time, fatigue and probably many more symptoms I cannot even remember anymore. Increase Your Vitality Program has given me back my life and I have found joy and happiness again!



I have completely turned my health and my life around following the Increase Your Vitality program. I eat 90% organic. I purchase from a huge (as big as a Safeway), awesome, very reasonably priced, family owned, health food store in Indian Wells, California named Clarkes. The other 10% is from Trader Joe’s but even this store is turning more and more organic. One person can make a difference and Kristen Harper has made it for me. She truly cares is an understatement. Her whole world is about health and a long healthy life for those who are ready!  Since being on the Increase Your Vitality program, I sleep well and long and eat the many perfect root and leafy vegetables that fit my health profile. I feel my whole body is talking all the time–and when it is heard, it will be life long and  at peace. My body has been heard and the secret is ready to be shared.  


Palm Springs, CA

I no longer have Iron Deficiency or Hashimoto’s.  



“I sent Kristen my hair sample and about three weeks later, I received my results, which revealed my body was very toxic and inflamed, that I have thyroid complications, vitamin and mineral imbalances, and as I suspected, stress related problems associated with type 2 insomnia.

The lab report was very thorough, detailed each deficiency, and gave me a natural dietary solution to follow to help me improve my health.

I can truly say that thanks to Kristen and the hair mineral analysis, I am feeling and functioning much better.  I am more relaxed and my quality of sleep has improved throughout the night!

If you have been suffering from unexplained or unresolved health issues, I encourage you to contact Kristen and get a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis, which is more detailed and accurate than a blood test.

I am on Kristen’s Increase Your Vitality Program.  I look forward to Perfect Health by consistently using her program.  Thank you so much Kristen!”



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