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What is Quantum Biofeedback?

I was interviewed on NBR FM NYC about my expertise in health and wellness.  I also discussed about my background in hair analysis, my favorite spiritual book, the benefits of foot reflexology, sound healing, and what is quantum biofeedback.


what is Quantum Biofeedback


Hair Analysis

During this interview, I talked about hair analysis, which is my favorite lab test.  Hair analysis reveals minerals and toxic metals.  Many people have mineral imbalances due to stress, lacking nutrients in their diet, emotional trauma, heavy metal toxicity, and more.  My Increase Your Vitality program balances the mineral ratios on a hair analysis, which increases the body’s energy.  The components of my program include eating a healthy diet, taking nutritional supplements based off your hair analysis results, living a healthy lifestyle, getting enough sleep, reducing stress, gentle exercise, and meditation daily.


Foot Reflexology

I also mentioned during the interview about the importance of foot reflexology, which will balance the acupuncture meridians in the body and reduces stress.  You can find a foot reflexologist in your area that has had the proper training.  Another option is to buy a foot roller.  I have a foot roller called “Natural Chemistree,” which I love.  I bought the foot roller on


Sound Healing and Quantum Biofeedback

Two other modalities I discussed during the interview are sound healing and quantum biofeedback.  In regards to sound healing, the brain tends to match its own wave pulses to those of exterior sound pulses.  This is known as brainwave entrainment.  Additionally, I talked about what is quantum biofeedback, which is a holistic modality that uses sophisticated technology to assess a client’s many stressors.


Perfect Health Consulting Services has been offering hair mineral analysis to clients worldwide since 2009.  Our company will be offering quantum biofeedback and sound healing in the near future as additional services.  I feel sound healing is the most effective at releasing emotional trauma and is beneficial for many health conditions.  One of the reasons I love quantum biofeedback so much is because it reveals a lot about health.  I feel the technology reveals way more about health than just lab tests or visiting a practitioner.  Listen to the interview below:




Get healthy through hair mineral analysis.  Click here



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Kristen Harper is the Founder of Perfect Health Consulting Services, LLC. Her company provides Hair Mineral Analysis and Increase Your Vitality Programs Worldwide to Balance Body Chemistry Naturally.